Smart Forms
0.1.0 - ci-build

This page is part of the Smart Forms (v0.1.0-draft: Releases Draft) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

Questionnaire: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check - Finalising the Health Check

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft as of 2022-05-24 Realm: Australia flag Computable Name: FinalisingHealthCheck

Copyright/Legal: CSIRO © 2022+; Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0

Finalising the Health Check sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.

LinkIdTextCardinalityTypeFlagsDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. FinalisingHealthCheckFinalising the Health Check sub-questionnaire for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Check.Questionnaire
... 16971bd2-5494-483d-9713-eda182c47f02Finalising the health check0..1groupExpressions:
.... CD-in-progress-31In progress0..1displayEnable When: MarkComplete-31 = false
.... CD-complete-31Complete0..1displayEnable When: MarkComplete-31 = true
.... 30532ad8-3465-4bdd-97ed-ec5664f9d733Patient priorities and goals: What does the parent/carer say are the important things that have come out of this health check?0..1textExpressions:
.... 6aa0a113-4d33-4f6b-9899-fa249674075aPatient priorities and goals: What does the parent/carer and child say are the important things that have come out of this health check?0..1textExpressions:
.... 71c19d58-a8ae-43ba-8b96-463c108c75dcPatient priorities and goals: What does the patient say are the important things that have come out of this health check?0..1textExpressions:
.... d0e58402-a08a-49ca-b2ca-9f4bbdb89da0Brief intervention: advice and information provided during health check0..*open-choiceOptions: 9 options
.... 0f70dec3-c1f2-4b36-b1f6-bd7f5743d5f8Brief intervention: advice and information provided during health check0..*open-choiceOptions: 7 options
.... eaed9770-95f4-4c6a-b06c-d573427a2616Brief intervention: advice and information provided during health check0..*open-choiceOptions: 9 options
.... 25f27e83-fcf0-49c8-86c1-e285e201a043Brief intervention: advice and information provided during health check0..*open-choiceOptions: 10 options
.... 2657da9c-a27e-4939-af7a-08a19b9ab6f7Brief intervention: advice and information provided during health check0..*open-choiceOptions: 8 options
.... afbadad6-bef9-4fad-b5f4-111f666ccf11Care provided as part of the health check (eg immunisations, medication review, investigations requested)0..1text
.... 4b3015f6-5b0a-4dfa-9791-994e4059f921Identified needs and plan (including new diagnoses)0..1text
.... 5760a1f9-d725-4b9e-b74d-50800615a689Follow-up0..1group
..... b4110a63-8547-4aa2-84c6-c1f64f0d24daConsider what follow-up appointments can be made at the time of the health check.0..1displayiconicon
..... c47cfd7e-0f15-4dd9-bd53-bb62851b677cReminder: MBS follow up items for clients at risk of or with chronic disease are available to support follow-up of health checks0..1displayiconicon
..... 1be25c55-2a2d-4b94-b826-bd17d9e35e92Referrals and appointments0..*group
...... 4044d0b4-94b2-4a89-b826-a14614298511Who0..1open-choiceOptions: 12 options
...... f97f211a-ef2a-49a3-aef7-c4e9cd08aa2aWho0..1open-choiceOptions: 10 options
...... 07cfe077-ba93-4f93-b2a5-027023faa33bWho0..1open-choiceOptions: 11 options
...... a525c370-d8c3-4764-ab3a-bf62081725e0Who0..1open-choiceOptions: 13 options
...... d68d9693-48d3-4663-9dbb-dd3a7aec5278Who0..1open-choiceOptions: 16 options
...... 0ef84b09-ca34-44c2-96d1-fcbbea0bae66When0..1dateEnable When:
.... a400fe69-c99f-47ed-bee1-083c3e4be467Recalls entered (eg clinical review, investigations, influenza vaccination, asthma plan/cycle of care, diabetes cycle of care, care plan review, cervical screening, investigations)0..*group
..... 40e3933d-77bb-40f3-8609-0c38ebb4421erecall-subject0..1stringiconiconDefinition:
..... fece6a3c-f8f1-4592-a166-5ea5a3c60c8eRecall0..1textDefinition:
.... 5a0c98f8-5349-4045-9ba0-27a4f35630b9Parent/carer actions0..1textExpressions:
.... cde03bf0-182a-4998-a37e-7b3f22786617Parent/patient actions0..1textExpressions:
.... 51ff0c15-312a-45ce-a25a-6c6a4bf0e17ePatient actions0..1textExpressions:
.... 8176151f-6d86-45eb-91b1-12458d75a181A copy of this health check has been offerered - including details of follow-up and future appointments0..1choiceOptions: 3 options
.... MarkComplete-31Mark section as complete0..1boolean

doco Documentation for this format

Option Sets

Answer options for d0e58402-a08a-49ca-b2ca-9f4bbdb89da0

  • Sugary drinks
  • Screen use
  • Healthy eating, including breastfeeding
  • Environmental exposure to harmful elements eg tobacco smoke
  • Physical activity and exercise
  • Sun protection
  • Parenting advice
  • Safe sleeping practices
  • Developmental milestones - including language and hearing

Answer options for 0f70dec3-c1f2-4b36-b1f6-bd7f5743d5f8

  • Healthy eating
  • Screen use
  • Sun protection
  • Environmental exposure to harmful elements (e.g. tobacco smoke)
  • Sugary drinks
  • Physical activity and exercise
  • Parenting advice

Answer options for eaed9770-95f4-4c6a-b06c-d573427a2616

  • Healthy eating
  • Screen use
  • Physical activity and exercise
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Safety/risky behaviours
  • Smoking cessation
  • Substance use/harm minimisation
  • Safe sex/contraception
  • Care of teeth and gums

Answer options for 25f27e83-fcf0-49c8-86c1-e285e201a043

  • Healthy eating
  • Screen use
  • Physical activity and exercise
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Carer support
  • Safety/risky behaviours
  • Smoking cessation
  • Substance use/harm minimisation
  • Safe sex/contraception
  • Oral and dental health

Answer options for 2657da9c-a27e-4939-af7a-08a19b9ab6f7

  • Healthy eating
  • Physical activity and exercise
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Carer support
  • Smoking cessation
  • Substance use/harm minimisation
  • Social support and services
  • Oral and dental health

Answer options for 4044d0b4-94b2-4a89-b826-a14614298511

  • GP follow-up
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Worker follow-up
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner follow-up
  • Practice nurse follow-up
  • Child health nurse
  • Dentist
  • Paediatrician
  • Audiology
  • Speech pathology
  • Mental health
  • Early intervention (development) services
  • Parenting programs/support services

Answer options for f97f211a-ef2a-49a3-aef7-c4e9cd08aa2a

  • GP follow-up
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Worker follow-up
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner follow-up
  • Practice nurse follow-up
  • Dentist
  • Paediatrician
  • Audiology
  • Speech pathology
  • Mental health
  • Parenting programs/support services

Answer options for 07cfe077-ba93-4f93-b2a5-027023faa33b

  • GP follow-up
  • GP review of results of investigations
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Worker follow-up
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner follow-up
  • Practice nurse follow-up
  • Dentist
  • Paediatrician
  • Audiology
  • Speech pathology
  • Parenting programs/support services
  • Social and emotional wellbeing/mental health

Answer options for a525c370-d8c3-4764-ab3a-bf62081725e0

  • GP follow-up
  • GP review of results of investigations
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Worker follow-up
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner follow-up
  • Practice nurse follow-up
  • Dentist
  • Medication review
  • Smoking cessation
  • Audiology
  • Dietician
  • Physiotherapist or exercise program
  • Parenting programs/support services
  • Social and emotional wellbeing/mental health

Answer options for d68d9693-48d3-4663-9dbb-dd3a7aec5278

  • GP follow-up
  • GP review of results of investigations
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Worker follow-up
  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Health Practitioner follow-up
  • Practice nurse follow-up
  • Dentist
  • Medication review
  • Geriatrician
  • Smoking cessation
  • Audiologist
  • Dietician
  • Physiotherapist or exercise program
  • Optometrist
  • Podiatrist
  • Social and emotional wellbeing/mental health
  • Social support and services

Answer options for 8176151f-6d86-45eb-91b1-12458d75a181

  • Yes, copy taken
  • Yes, but declined
  • Not offered. Plan to follow up and offer at a later date