Smart Forms
0.1.0 - ci-build

This page is part of the Smart Forms (v0.1.0-draft: Releases Draft) based on FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) R4. . For a full list of available versions, see the Directory of published versions

ValueSet: ValueSet

Official URL: Version: 0.1.0
Draft Computable Name: MedicalHistory

The Medical History value set includes values that may be used to represent medical history, operations and hospital admissions.


This value set is not used here; it may be used elsewhere (e.g. specifications and/or implementations that use this content)

Logical Definition (CLD)

  • Include codes from where constraint = ^32570581000036105|Problem/Diagnosis reference set| OR ^32570141000036105|Procedure foundation reference set|



Expansion based on SNOMED CT Australian edition 31-Jan 2024

This value set has 182952 codes in it. In order to keep the publication size manageable, only a selection (1000 codes) of the whole set of codes is shown.

  170175004 year examination abnormal - on treatment
  391357007 hour urine arsenic output
  121291002 measurement
  838326005,XX disorder of sex development due to maternal Krukenberg neoplasm
  253667008 retro-oesophageal brachiocephalic artery
  446584005 of neoplasm of urinary bladder using laser
  1137417006 to communicate about nausea
  288701006 to communicate in different places
  285536006 to move tongue laterally
  300804008 to pursue religious activities
  309251006 to read
  719735002 to recognise symbols
  285193005 to remember month of year
  282487001 to run up a slope
  285825005 to turn taps off
  288412005 to unscrew a lid
  125133000 radiologic density, rounded
  196112005 of lung with pneumonia
  838391009 of spinal epidural space caused by bacterium
  248119008 of drugs to lose weight
  61277005 idioventricular rhythm
  416680000 movements
  63413008 ossification centre
  204245004 tragus
  217725005 caused by brief heavy rainfall
  217960007 caused by pulley block
  217989009 caused by water driven turbine
  217422009 due to collapse of burning school
  217436004 due to fall from burning school
  291981007 acetazolamide poisoning
  262910007 bladder perforation during operation
  290716008 cisplatin poisoning
  242994008 cut during medical care
  242268009 exposure to paint
  242270000 exposure to solid paint
  295243002 fenoprofen overdose
  242299005 ingestion of food contaminant
  290413004 nabilone poisoning
  1144827004 poisoning caused by tolazoline
  296562006 primaquine overdose
  291447006 primaquine poisoning
  242691003 strangulation by electric car window
  296430006 tripelennamine overdose
  217857001 struck by hockey puck
  403307005 misalignment of toenail
  53808001 night blindness
  707743006 of daily living needs met
  231111004 transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
  197585004 diffuse nephritis
  1751000119100 exacerbation of COPD with asthma
  766045006 myeloid leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndrome related to alkylating agent
  64627002 myocardial infarction of high lateral wall
  444760002 osteomyelitis of vertebra
  1197720000 passive congestion of liver
  3023008 peptic ulcer without haemorrhage, without perforation AND without obstruction
  233829003 Q wave infarction - inferior
  194907008 syphilitic pericarditis
  288097009 tissue reduction operation
  239700001 of cast brace
  239661009 to attachment point of traction system
  305292006 by radiologist
  305426001 to ophthalmology department
  305346005 to psychogeriatric day hospital
  396212001 gland involved by direct invasion of renal tumour
  281562007 neuroblastoma
  129645002 G6PD deficiency of leucocytes syndrome
  218868004 reaction to ganglion blocking drug
  218808002 reaction to lobeline
  215903006 crash whilst taking off, occupant of unpowered aircraft, except parachutist, injured
  248198001 facies
  865878007 to bismuth subnitrate and/or iodoform
  294924001 to vitamin D and/or vitamin D derivative
  734349003 intellectual disability syndrome linked to chromosome 16
  63702009 syndrome
  282355000 of testes
  85493000 for open procedure involving symphysis pubis
  54733000 for total wrist replacement
  197150008 fissure and fistula
  50078002 of common pulmonary trunk and left atrium, posterior wall
  459183000 of patch of right ventricular outflow tract
  241232001 of bronchial artery
  251728001 meshwork pigmentation
  293422004 exchange resins adverse reaction
  253231007 type 1
  230740003 spinal artery thrombosis
  417171005 superior iliac spine compression test
  42610000 tibialis tendon transfer for repair of flat foot
  409692005 IgM antibody negative
  21661000175101 prophylaxis not prescribed
  36126000 to salivary gland duct epithelium measurement
  295400008 overdose
  391514003 activity
  121331001 identification
  341991000119100 of left eye
  336381000119109 of right eye
  1153453003 of ointment to lip
  294057001 allergy
  85838004 species poisoning
  32271000 triphyllum poisoning
  61855004 of carpocarpal joint without implant
  491000032105 of interphalangeal joint of hand
  275220001 hypospadias repair
  166669000 aminotransferase serum level raised
  13475006 of diverticulum of pharynx
  219192000 by garrotting or ligature
  713650008 using Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool
  719314001 using National Adult Reading Test
  765149007 using Pocock death from cardiovascular disease risk score
  609401005 moderate risk for dental caries
  704681002 risk of negative quality of life
  1258934002 of femoral artery
  313377641000119105 fibrillation due to heart valve disorder
  13054007 poisoning
  442258002 to cemented hybrid prosthetic replacement of knee joint
  109582006 of tooth crown associated with ageing
  723373006 dominant medullary cystic kidney disease with hyperuricaemia
  726018006 dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease
  715369006 recessive cerebelloparenchymal disorder type 3
  13186004 of abdominal vagus nerve
  230636004 nerve compression
  298117009 nerve lesion
  16959008 poisoning
  103972007 blood group antibody identification
  118011003 microti DNA assay
  15887091000119103 premature 26 weeks
  235610009 ulcer of oesophagus
  232918009 dilatation of implanted atrioventricular valve
  161128009 problems at school
  92379003 neoplasm of skin of toe
  92419007 neoplasm of supraclavicular lymph nodes
  254984005 tumour of spinal nerve and sheath
  12736005 lactamase, acidimetric susceptibility test
  67582008 excretion measurement
  24799001 loading test
  15688161000119103 capsulitis of ankles
  16039591000119108 chondromalacia of hips
  15637111000119107 congenital hammer toes
  347171000119106 eye aphakia
  16697521000119104 moderate nonproliferative retinopathy due to diabetes mellitus type 1
  15954941000119103 pendulous breasts
  897587000 primary aphakia
  268232000 renal hypoplasia
  343161000119109 uveitic glaucoma of eyes
  44716001 of cornea
  450604003 of lesion of occipital lobe
  1237437006 of lower eyelid caused by Staphylococcus
  343031000119102 right eye, low vision left eye
  413002003 arylsulfatase measurement
  371636000 condition unknown
  315476007 in Malta
  396779001 arterial calcification
  169979000 at 3 months
  196019004 and pneumonitis due to chemical fumes
  444471002 Luten paediatric weight estimation red zone
  343977001 of His pacing
  12106361000119103 of left elbow region
  217250007 caused by conflagration in house
  303111000119104 of left shoulder
  248512007 nodules
  789249004 screening test
  1255162009 counting diet
  449802004 in situ of dome of urinary bladder
  255108000 of bladder
  448954003 of urethra
  35621002 blood pool imaging
  183406003 of potential criminal
  410374008 skills surveillance
  247443000 in skin
  200680000 and abscess of knee
  13680009 of forearm
  10633831000119106 of left forearm
  24825006 alveolar hypoventilation syndrome
  195213000 stroke syndrome
  230215006 cysticercosis
  239965291000119107 accident due to occlusion of basilar artery
  188174841000119103 accident due to occlusion of bilateral middle cerebral arteries
  203990007 myelocele
  238474002 of skin
  45213002 of custody procedure
  18595004 of dressing, minor
  243103003 stoma bag education
  715801001 disease type 4F
  17706009 shock therapy
  22733003 for non-malignant neoplasm
  1668651000168105 able to undo buttons
  170215000 examination: motor tone
  314682006 weight = 91st centile
  268667008 and adolescent disturbance with shyness
  105123003 measurement
  16039431000119105 of left hip
  16039631000119108 of right hip
  104595003 gonadotropin, alpha subunit measurement
  785736001 bronchitis co-occurrent with wheeze
  788889007 inflammation of cervical lymph node
  28593007 petrositis
  306191000119101 tophaceous gout of hip due to drug
  1251401000 type acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis
  413095006 management plan review
  212263005 injury, ulnar nerve, palmar sensory
  90899009 reduction of fracture of phalanges of hand with internal fixation
  699173002 reduction of fracture of talus with internal fixation
  440302000 reduction of intertrochanteric fracture of femur
  941000032107 reduction of intra-articular fracture of distal phalanx of hand with internal fixation
  11806331000119104 traumatic posterior dislocation of left knee joint
  310443006 of atrial septal defect using patch
  174844000 of defect of interatrial septum using prosthetic patch
  448957005 of defect of septum of heart using prosthetic patch
  307562002 of gastroenterostomy
  870623000 of rectovaginal fistula using plug
  473213008 disease annual review
  717201009 acidovorans or Comamonas testosteroni
  713401006 D-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria and L-2-hydroxyglutaric aciduria
  783178001 oxidative phosphorylation deficiency type 20
  385093006 acquired pneumonia
  1563481000168103 acquired sepsis
  1085571000119104 edentulism class IV due to periodontal disease
  735482009 prolapse of vaginal vault
  4341004 submucous resection of turbinate
  209653000 tear, chondrosternal ligament
  363012008 of hydrotherapy procedure
  428911000124108 medicine therapy review
  717347003 beam CT guided aspiration of head
  416287007 patient identity by guardian interview
  372040007 patient identity prior to procedure
  123588006 bronchopneumonia with abscess formation
  205749001 absence of pituitary gland
  35266001 duplication of appendix
  16520041000119104 fenestration of basilar artery
  85280007 hammer toe
  205328000 humeral varus
  93351001 malposition of spleen
  93394006 short trunk
  59721007 syphilitic pemphigus
  275892006 swab taken
  111348008 cheilitis
  6888008 dermatitis due to dye
  233588003 haemodiafiltration
  233578004 haemodialysis
  233583007 haemofiltration
  714749008 renal replacement therapy
  233590002 venovenous haemodiafiltration
  233580005 venovenous haemodialysis
  233585000 venovenous haemofiltration
  11995321000119104 of amputation stump of left upper limb
  211523008, ankle and foot, excluding toe(s)
  179964008 from hybrid total elbow replacement
  1162437009 of resources to address housing instability
  243067002 strategy counselling
  373431007 ghost vessels
  868228000 artery bypass grafting using gastroepiploic artery graft
  251018003 artery patent
  1156477002 of congenital clubfoot
  180172005 of oblique facial cleft
  441351000124101 about nutrition using rewards and contingency management strategy
  702599003 for infertility
  112823003 of aorta-carotid-brachial vascular bypass
  235178007 of transthoracic tube oesophagostomy
  430149006 sensitivity reaction
  1616771000168105 fracture of T8
  11853891000119109 injury of right foot
  231429003 to abdominal cutaneous nerve
  231760002 to retina
  16550151000119102 guided percutaneous cryoablation of neoplasm of right kidney
  443037006 guided percutaneous drainage of abscess of appendix
  427101000119106 of chest and abdomen without contrast
  383401000119106 of middle ear without contrast
  311660003 for speech
  104227000 for multiple organisms, screening by commercial kit
  277807007 syndrome
  283437002 of calf
  403399001 laxa following hypersensitivity reaction
  787386005 ultra-rapid metaboliser
  1052236000 with anastomosis of right ureter to bladder
  1264146007 to uterus following molar pregnancy
  121766001 measurement
  44316003 frequency of defaecation
  61317003 full thickness burn of ankle
  211708001 partial thickness burn of scalp
  124340003 of adenylate kinase
  124525004 of AMP deaminase
  360675000 of lactonase
  124183003 of NAD(P)^+^ transhydrogenase
  124236005 of reductase
  373142009 thrombus
  79771000119101 kyphoscoliosis
  19371000119107 kyphosis
  210573000 injury hand, dorsum
  292471002 adverse reaction
  398560008 nucleic acid assay
  1085991000119107 caries on smooth surface penetrating into dentin
  447520005 of glossophyaryngeal nerve by infratentorial approach
  445133005 of Human herpesvirus 3 using polymerase chain reaction technique
  41424008 of kidney
  292050003 adverse reaction
  1244401000168105 Annual Cycle of Care completed
  48352007 poisoning
  236074001 due to laxative abuse
  310500000 good
  300818001 caring for pet
  288780005 communicating intentions
  282644006 crouching
  289135005 performing hair care activities
  311543001 processing information at normal speed
  303525003 putting on own wig
  424883003 seeing small print
  433157005 of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt stent using fluoroscopic guidance
  72356007 and curettage of cervical stump
  67293006 of lymphatic structure
  58193001 cerebral palsy
  32746004 fluorescent antibody test for syphilis
  165876001 platelet antibody test
  127796002 tissue immunofluorescence procedure
  267427000 deficiency
  1040441000168108 response
  306428007 by endocrinologist
  306678004 from psychiatry day hospital
  260181005 caused by Eimeria
  1217662008 pendular nystagmus
  449409002 of kidney due to lambda light chain disease
  15978831000119108 of right cervical nerve root
  409021006 medicine education
  443732006 with body image
  1142085005 perinatal varicella
  240632000 pneumocystosis
  191713008 tremor
  763273008 trisomy 4q
  232904002 of atrioventricular valve bridging leaflet
  286432000 not cater for others
  284321004 not manipulate objects relative to one another
  300765001 not perform creative activity
  282585006 not skip
  282591008 not skip on one foot
  282170008 not walk up hill
  715119007 transfer from toilet to chair
  286011002 turn on domestic appliance
  392411007 dander specific IgE antibody measurement
  708247009 blot assay
  174052001 of appendix abscess
  235315006 of appendix mass
  21782001 constipation
  238998002 hypermelanosis
  280955001 melasma
  80795005 virus disease
  289141003 regularly
  440670004 about medicine intake during pregnancy
  712503001 bowel preparation for surgery
  104648008 2 measurement
  448737003 of aneurysm using catheter
  448313001 of intracranial aneurysm using catheter
  64587006 endodontic procedure
  233368003 replacement of aneurysmal common femoral artery
  405641009 tube incorrectly positioned
  427499007 ablation using free heated saline
  407609002 thermal ablation
  278060005 carcinoma of prostate
  427118006 radiofrequency ablation of lesion of prostate
  50760002 of prostate
  53705008 of testis
  1193658009 Escherichia coli enteritis of small intestine
  30936004 of hip region
  405655001 related features
  860915001 dysfunction caused by drug
  241372008 determination
  78631004 follicularis of face AND/OR neck
  1186810009 protoporphyria due to gain of function of erythroid-specific aminolevulinic acid synthase 2
  447417004 and turbinectomy
  1172723003 clot lysis time within reference range
  423130001 pets
  442836006 of benign neoplasm of phalanx of finger with autograft
  935541000168107 of cranio-cervical tumour
  42349006 of cyst of broad ligament
  738831000 of left half of tongue
  72580005 of lesion of phalanges of hand
  62187000 of ranula of sublingual gland
  738834008 of right side of vulva
  424805008 above recommended level
  16027951000119100 of right tibia
  178500001 of mandible
  45477008 to vibration
  14366000 keratoconjunctivitis
  340821000119104 keratoconjunctivitis of left eye
  307615003 left hemihepatectomy
  90705003 shockwave lithotripsy of the bile duct
  82920008 shockwave lithotripsy of the gallbladder
  14372000 shockwave lithotripsy of the gallbladder and bile duct
  420387003 extension of tumour present, non-focal
  269941009 swab taken
  272594009 forwards on a horse
  19099008 attempted termination of pregnancy with laceration of bladder
  217147000 from embankment
  262899008 passage of ureter
  402460000 amyloid polyneuropathy with cutaneous amyloidosis
  12579009 Mediterranean fever
  709276002 education about pain management
  224978009 relief
  63061000119104 cleft lip
  1263930005 ecchymoses
  445265001 toenails of both feet
  292774009 oil adverse reaction
  249265006, retracted foreskin
  76301009 cirrhosis
  269931006 sample bicarbonate measurement
  418110001 angiography of bronchial artery with contrast
  419085005 angiography with contrast and embolisation of bronchial artery
  443575002 imaging of cisterna magna with contrast
  433682006 venography of renal vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft
  432798003 guided percutaneous embolisation of bronchial artery
  432377000 guided percutaneous embolisation of splenic artery
  27984002 therapy
  720956003 Chavany Marie syndrome
  1264382006 for combined therapy of radiation therapy and chemotherapy
  1264387000 for radiation therapy
  241083008 X-ray orthopaedic/biomechanical examination
  447377007 body in jaw bone
  298095004 body in skin of groin
  263258003 of costal cartilage
  281534000 of neck of fibula
  1172434001 androgenic index above reference range
  116860001 frozen plasma issued
  85052001 thickness burn of ankle
  722883009 pancreatic sphincter of Oddi disorder
  412630009 mix specific IgE antibody measurement
  253481000 right atrioventricular valve papillary muscles
  10752251000119103 in pregnancy
  200444007 in pregnancy and the puerperium
  10754781000119108 calculus in mother complicating childbirth
  119921003 injection
  773270005 co-occurrent and due to perineal hernia
  28756003 fistula
  235673004 fistula
  25335003 fistula
  360372005 for perforated gastric ulcer
  109479004 enamel hypoplasia of undetermined aetiology
  714037001 enlargement due to pseudopocket
  536002 cirrhosis
  236520002 nephropathy
  306641000119103 of hip due to drug
  41267003 failure due to stenosis
  234687006 of periodontal bone defect
  388615003 gum specific IgE antibody measurement
  21401009 species poisoning
  428250009 adenoidectomy
  308066006 Angina in last year
  161504004 angina pectoris
  119481000119105 aortic valve repair
  144101000119103 benign neoplasm of spinal cord
  65501000119108 breast reconstruction
  429635001 malignant neoplasm of vulva
  1881000119103 plasmacytoma
  161810005 prolonged labour
  16088491000119105 reconstruction of left breast
  161549001 recurrent cystitis
  725943008 second degree perineal laceration
  441899004 therapy with ototoxic medicine
  120991000119102 undergoing in utero procedure while a fetus
  427813004 yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser capsulotomy of lens
  44276009 promiscuity
  95531001 duodenitis
  247732009 of music
  827114001 mass of abdomen
  117115006 murmur pitch, medium
  271661003 sounds exaggerated
  313942007 pylori IgG antibody measurement
  736696002 pylori stool test positive
  397662006 C virus genotype determination
  402459005 systemic amyloidosis affecting skin
  315041000 concentration oxygen therapy
  699358009 grade endometrial stromal sarcoma
  226102008 polyunsaturated fatty acid diet
  170910002 risk treatment changed
  216196003 by object falling from aircraft, without accident to aircraft, parachutist injured
  1308111000168106 phenotype determination
  170621009 oxygen supply stopped
  238053006 erythropoietic protoporphyria
  428014009 sitosterolaemia
  70783003 of tunica vaginalis
  721840000, anaemia, renal failure syndrome
  367524008 of thyroid
  441910000 sleep related non-obstructive alveolar hypoventilation
  237695004 TSH deficiency
  405473006 artery bypass
  405523006 graft for repair of aneurysm
  438619009 guided afterloading balloon catheterisation of breast for radiotherapy
  1259003008 of temporary spinal cord stimulator
  870466000 intake of vitamin A and/or vitamin A derivative
  398323005 premedication for anaesthetic procedure
  430384004 and drainage of abscess of face
  81982004 and exploration of axilla
  11116000 of ingrown nail
  278820008 over ulnar artery
  93604006 ossification of sternebra
  131171006 methaemoglobin
  300173000 present
  1675221000168102 makes sounds other than crying
  11784241000119107 abrasion of skin of right middle finger
  11779561000119100 nonvenomous insect bite of right forearm
  213200001 associated with artificial insemination
  32168002 caused by Frenkelia
  713881001 caused by Microsporidia co-occurrent with HIV infection
  373025001 caused by Mycobacterium duvalii
  45109003 caused by Oesophagodontus
  372968008 caused by Penicillium spinulosum
  27794000 caused by Platynosomum
  75418003 caused by Platynosomum fastosum
  711111002 health care professional of presence of implant device
  1237094009 health care professional of presence of implantable cardiac device
  385856001 therapy management
  445711000 of posterolateral corner of knee
  242980007 of unknown intent due to fall from bridge
  219346009 of unknown intent due to fall from height
  242977006 of unknown intent due to fall from high man-made structure
  24121004 disorder related to another mental disorder
  104752004, total measurement
  414519004 growth factor binding protein 3 level
  250895007 change
  295429005 5-HT3-receptor antagonist overdose
  296616006 azithromycin overdose
  296272005 flupenthixol overdose
  296459006 gamolenic acid overdose
  127112005 lymphadenopathy
  70719008 beta assay
  236127007 stoma fistula
  1284850005 lung disease caused by ionising radiation due to and following radiation therapy
  24831009 alkaline phosphatase measurement
  22169002 disaccharidase deficiency
  866104001 hypotension due to cerebrospinal fluid fistula
  207705002 injury co-occurrent and due to open fracture vault of skull
  265761001 chemotherapy
  1280009 chimera
  77475008 delusion disorder
  197047007 intussusception
  298252007 non-tender
  251439002 stress test negative
  210205007 haematoma without rupture of capsule, with open wound into cavity
  735771000 of heart without haemopericardium
  110318003 of anterior occlusal guidance
  251399004 tolerance
  236938008 of fallopian tube
  14412009 with fulguration of lesion
  399353008 nostrils
  176679004 destruction of lesion of vagina
  406145006 education
  103908005^b^ blood group typing
  419585004 fibroma of oral mucosa
  63816008 hepatectomy
  241269003 venography - descending
  447706001 of scalp
  392307002 specific IgE antibody measurement
  16650161000119108 of right cervical nerve root
  404156009 infiltration of skin
  404151004 infiltration of skin in myeloid leukaemia
  895649002 sclerosus bullous type
  1473601000168105 of ovarian vein
  169309008 accelerator electrons
  189000007 of groin
  166958001 level low
  300330004 smooth
  736617005 excision of lesion of kidney
  400100000 epidermolytic epidermal naevus
  698618009 of consciousness co-occurrent and due to open fracture of vault of skull
  79863002 first heart sound
  306821005 power laser therapy to elbow
  183063000 salt diet education
  288122006 bowel endoscopy - removal of object
  414622007 wavefront aberration
  298673002 spine - tender
  716318002 syndrome
  18752000 extraction of intraocular foreign body from anterior chamber of eye
  442533006 contact with family
  12682005 of newborn thoracic drain
  121620002 measurement
  448273006 melanoma of skin of scrotum
  702467006 neoplasm of augmented bladder
  710196003 odontogenic neoplasm of upper jaw
  397138000 assessment (Category 0) - Need additional imaging evaluation
  229820001 of interphalangeal joint of foot - non-surgical
  785683006 expression of meibomian gland
  288254005 nutritional disorder
  773299000 uniparental disomy of chromosome 16
  111873003 without complication
  401039000 of antithrombin III activity in plasma
  118143000 of complement SC5b-9 antibody
  104285006 of Helicobacter pylori antibody
  117786005 of Human coxsackievirus A 9 antibody
  408794006 stained liquor - grade III
  237602007 syndrome X
  292485007 adverse reaction
  1237423002 carcinoma to glans penis
  1237498003 carcinoma to penis
  1263484004 endometrioid carcinoma to ovary
  292048006 analogue adverse reaction
  294503001 allergy
  104174003 culture of cerebrospinal fluid
  80952000 smear, light microscopy examination
  421020000 associated with AIDS
  56097005 without aura
  425007008 without aura, not refractory
  473160008 of nasogastric tube
  52334005's knee
  89467003 withdrawal bleeding
  703259006 valve regurgitation due to cardiomyopathy
  384642005 valvuloplasty
  54694004 caecum
  16697471000119102 nonproliferative retinopathy of right eye due to diabetes mellitus type 1
  43771008 not applicable
  214415009 vehicle traffic accident due to motor vehicle going out of control due to failure of mechanical part, without collision on the highway, motor cyclist injured
  34146008 toxin neutralisation test
  241675003 proton spectroscopy of head
  718074005 venography of neck with contrast
  449880005 for cardiac morphology, function, and velocity with contrast
  445318009 guided fine needle aspiration
  2201000087109 of left elbow with contrast
  702723005 of neck vessels with contrast
  408558009 team falls assessment declined
  212483009 injuries of head
  34531000087101 intracranial injuries
  286571000119101 marker screen positive for increased nuchal translucency
  54747001 segmental resections of large intestine
  733266008 superficial injuries of hip
  722633001 traumatic haemorrhages of brain tissue
  435611000124105, multimineral supplement therapy
  240529006 sublingual sialadenitis
  712752004 of pelvic floor
  1255661003 carcinoma of oropharynx
  117654006 measurement
  402948006 dystrophy due to secondary syphilis
  105255008 measurement
  699751000 maxillary arch form
  249318003 deviation, cartilage
  80559004 vibration test
  274994004 needling of substantia gelatinosa of cervical cord
  240779007 cutaneous mucormycosis
  276685005 viral dacryocystitis
  189435000 of uncertain behaviour of mastoid air cells
  10657911000119101 ulcer of left toe
  15509004 blindness co-occurrent and due to vitamin A deficiency
  716186003 known allergy
  1003774007 known Hevea brasiliensis latex allergy
  10680911000119107 of skin of right foot
  10680551000119102 of skin of toe of bilateral feet
  1252737007 of skin of toe of left foot
  1252738002 of skin of toe of right foot
  249822002 on toe
  107691000119101 germ cell neoplasm of testis
  1269555002 haemorrhage of subarachnoid space from vertebral artery
  183498006 ophthalmological admission
  214704000 accident involving collision of motor-driven snow vehicle, not on public highway, rider of animal or occupant of animal-drawn vehicle injured
  60298004 insect bite of forearm with infection
  11862641000119104 insect bite of left ankle
  4487006 measurement, supine
  300226000 ability to hear voice
  103277005 acoustic reflex
  181833004 fetal growth
  58236001 growth
  299280004 passive range of hip adduction
  64730000 sinus rhythm
  398746009 vibration sensation of foot
  105269008 measurement
  170518002 of food poisoning
  410139000 status report management
  51131000119102 therapy for hypertension
  1602821000168101 of iliofemoral vein
  786055002 of central retinal vein of left eye
  44761000087104 of distal left circumflex coronary artery
  239019002 dysplasia with alopecia
  175348000 embolectomy of bifurcation of aorta
  429582002 enlargement of defect of interventricular septum
  208625006 fracture fibula, neck
  11311161000119101 fracture of fourth thoracic vertebra
  208336005 fracture of ulna, styloid process
  59556008 fracture of upper end of fibula
  212316005 injury posterior tibial nerve
  179371006 partial lateral meniscectomy
  209100005 spinal dislocation with central lumbar cord lesion
  10965441000119105 wound of left hip due to human bite
  3208005 wound of ossicles without complication
  10948191000119107 wound of right thumb due to dog bite
  174608008 cholangiography through cystic duct
  69956002 anticholinesterase poisoning
  285785004 treatment penalisation with lenses
  12158004 for graft of mandible
  812541000168102 of right side of maxilla with internal fixation
  48180002 syndrome
  248801002 breasts
  109874003 malignant neoplasm of male genital organs
  253378006 tricuspid valve
  284032008 monitoring
  1153336009 nodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma
  367821000119106 kidney
  425781002 provoked by running
  50510006 piezogenic pedal papules
  241240007 arteriogram
  76868007 disorder with agoraphobia, agoraphobic avoidance in full remission AND mild panic attacks
  733608000 renal cell carcinoma
  117839003 18 antigen assay
  733319007 pupillary reaction to light and darkness
  766872002 caused by cyanide
  253799007 duplication of appendix
  12012002 excision of vertebra of thoracic region
  677821000119109 occlusion of left retinal vein
  65593009 occlusion of retinal vein
  235164006 oesophagectomy with subaortic reconstruction
  225928004 self-discharge against medical advice
  703520001's child aware of diagnosis
  274671002 and perineal pain
  267348004 joint/ligament damage
  35743001 nystagmus
  15954861000119106 right breast
  293554006 tetranitrate adverse reaction
  240290003 aspiration of fetal ascites
  4052004 aspiration of spinal cord syrinx
  765475001 cryotherapy of neoplasm of right kidney
  432941004 thrombolysis of hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance
  262909002 of bladder
  446334002 of gastrojejunostomy
  197179001 abscess
  18503002 cutaneous haemorrhage
  870310004 mucocutaneous infection caused by Human herpesvirus 3
  276676005 skin and subcutaneous infections of fetus and/or neonate
  240469009 varicella
  238751002 dermatitis
  1156804004 neuroectodermal neoplasm of corpus uteri
  280797561000119107 atrial fibrillation due to heart valve disorder
  1156766007 onset antinuclear antibody positive juvenile idiopathic oligoarthritis
  1187550009 deficiency
  443917009 challenge with Class l antiarrhythmic drug to unmask ST elevation
  313075001 counselling
  110989007 peribuccal erythrosis of Brocq
  307694000 gaze
  788757008 of posterior pituitary gland
  395041000119103 X-ray of soft tissue of neck
  128458002 morphoea
  401143003 bicarbonate measurement
  238921004 cell vulvitis
  313838005 free T4 measurement
  265472007 repair of mitral valve
  1209170001 of rectus eye muscle
  62041008 oleracea poisoning
  1163280009 self talk related to food and/or nutrition
  197453004 bile leakage
  235809001 stricture of intestine
  233657008 pleural fibrosis
  279022005 pain
  195211003 cerebral artery syndrome
  246968002 polymorphic plaques in cornea
  168462009 examination requested
  1162569002 bacteraemia
  236652008 retention of urine
  295008005 canrenoate allergy
  858901000000108 of unknown location
  276303005 with death
  386465007 medicine education
  249029007 part loosely applied
  707454002 basaloid squamous cell carcinoma of lung
  1259674002 endometrioid carcinoma of prostate
  765135003 essential cutis verticis gyrata
  683981000119101 Ewing sarcoma of bone of spine
  179136004 external fixation(without reduction) of proximal femoral fracture
  789063000 hyperaldosteronism, seizures, neurological abnormalities syndrome
  352911000119101 malignant neoplasm of left optic nerve
  707586009 myoepithelial carcinoma of oropharynx
  733961005 non-active dental caries extending into inner third of dentin
  1268485001 non-seminomatous germ cell neoplasm of testis
  276738009 signet ring cell carcinoma of skin
  721604004 squamous cell carcinoma of overlapping lesion of male genital organ
  733134009 squamous cell carcinoma of paraurethral gland
  107591000119100 squamous cell carcinoma of urethra
  689881000119109 undifferentiated carcinoma of lateral wall of nasopharynx
  724468006 urothelial carcinoma of overlapping sites of urinary organs
  225283000 haemodialysis lines
  1155841005 familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 2
  712649000 of epiglottis
  104898007 PGE2 measurement
  120000006 closure
  300529008 palpable
  74411000119100 intraepithelial neoplasia and adjacent atypia
  66251001 conformation
  302877009 meningitis
  767259000 of upper lip
  370843002 care respecting the worth and dignity of the patient
  1514161000168103 of drug and alcohol Community Treatment Order service
  243760005 of foot orthosis - patients own
  1575211000168102 of involuntary drug and alcohol treatment order service
  1563261000168106 of involuntary treatment order service
  713112001 of memory device
  183117009 of removable denture
  821051000168109 hypospadias repair
  447838003 atresia and ventricular septal defect with aorta from left ventricle
  304421004 electromagnetic energy to hip
  443864008 measurement of histamine in serum or plasma specimen
  20939001 measurement
  719603008 post exposure prophylaxis contraindicated
  1348971000168105 collateral ligament repair
  53652006 excision of lesion of skin involving underlying or adjacent structure
  1119296001 right hemivulvectomy
  168515004 tumour control
  431334003 imaging of small intestine for Meckel diverticulum
  418832007 whole body bone study
  172286002 to lacrimal gland
  234976000 dental caries
  257900009 of posterior urethra with fixation of prostate or bladder neck
  410099001 orientation assessment
  370554001 vulva
  177430009 using local osteomyocutaneous rotation flap
  18649001 temperature taking
  402895006 herpes simplex of penis
  250238002 blood cell maturation age determination
  290070001 breast
  183827001 for immunological test
  698565005 by podiatric surgeon
  306243007 to community doctor in audiology
  306139004 to rehabilitation psychiatry service
  75364009 diplopia
  162550003 eats 3 meals/day
  239268005 of trigger thumb
  225151003 of adhesive skin closures
  43824008 of embedded foreign body from dentoalveolar bone
  62859007 of foreign body from urethra without incision
  72199008 of foreign body from vitreous by incision
  405708004 of foreign body of foot without incision
  736985008 of internal spinal fixation system
  609112000 of intraluminal foreign body from urethra without incision
  225165001 of leeches
  52808008 of neuropacemaker of brain
  307983002 of normal pituitary gland
  179229008 of spinal fixation system
  715761006 of chest and re-exploration of intrathoracic operation site
  50946008 of old traumatic injury of cranial nerve
  41292000 of prostate
  236291008 of ruptured posterior urethra
  6639006 of obstructed valve in shunt system
  28529003 to active immunisation
  1236933006 of deciduous tooth using Hall technique with prefabricated stainless steel dental crown
  111584000 dysgenesis
  91047000 measurement
  428435002 using cryotherapy
  176087004 bulb ureteropyelography
  428739007 of individual education plan
  280469005 of elbow arthroplasty
  112706000 of internal fixation device, broken or displaced
  12868007 of operative wound of anterior segment of eye
  275077006 of prosthetic collar around male bladder neck
  18884000 of tack operation of inner ear
  36547009 occipitoposterior position
  46833000 species poisoning
  23199002 amputation, per root
  48787009 canal therapy, bicuspid, excluding final restoration
  417068000 shear
  313706007 IgA measurement
  763024008 of chorionic villus refused
  3439009 (severe combined immunodeficiency) due to absent peripheral T cell maturation
  283081001 of forearm
  1237002002 blepharitis of left upper eyelid
  1236998004 blepharitis of upper eyelid
  91281000119103 adenocarcinoma of bone
  82598004 hypothyroidism
  94213007 malignant neoplasm of body of penis
  94315003 malignant neoplasm of glans penis
  236259007 urethrectomy
  1010659006 infantile haemangioma
  248066009 of eyes
  271276000 pH measurement
  187251001 of tuberculosis
  1004000003 marcescens or Serratia ureilytica
  390971003 theophylline level
  722212004 X-linked mitochondrial encephalomyopathy
  1285184001 and reproductive health promotion programme
  229110008 girdle exercises
  276317001 of conjunctival fornix
  196486007 of the sublingual gland
  240343002 round structured virus food poisoning
  406551008 assessment
  311675006 speech onset exercises
  876191000168105 CD25 measurement
  25741008 audiometric function test
  102496004 fever
  287225002 bone fragment elevation
  387823001 fusion with reduction of spinal deformity
  448602005 in right sided position
  726724005 fusion, limb defect, micrognathia syndrome
  122084007 Louis encephalitis virus antigen assay
  10965601000119105 wound of left hip region
  472841006 of fetal tricuspid valve
  472855003 of fetal truncal valve
  1255623001 of ostium of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery
  724889009 of fascia of abdomen
  112631000146107 of pectoral muscle
  262189000 suture of tendon
  449645008 and ligation of vein of lower leg
  277189006 inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy
  195160000 haemorrhage from vertebral artery
  1076561000119105 bursitis of left shoulder
  415651004 of corneal flap
  232483003 resection of nasal turbinate
  386451005 use treatment: overdose
  10165000 hyperkeratosis
  78373000 deficiency
  78070009 by multiple means
  444657001 cerebellar artery syndrome
  274337004 biopsy of cornea
  415679005 omental margin is closest uninvolved margin to malignant neoplasm
  164963004 skin test done
  700409000 multiple sclerosis
  764106001 of digit of hand
  38340002 insertion of pacemaker into atrium by transvenous route
  180862005 operation
  165321000 item dementia test
  444971006 of extensor tendon of hand
  15676521000119107 of extensor tendon of right hand
  287896004 sheath of hand drained
  443981000 for known gene mutation in family member
  61145000 omphalitis
  39083009 oesophagostomy
  231257008 subdural block
  1208852007 from prosthetic heart valve
  103855004 measurement
  230504002 optic disc
  724165000 therapy
  230872008 ventriculocisternostomy
  75942006 correction of transposition of great vessels
  302442001 excision of nail plate
  87460008 effect of amyl alcohol
  32661007 of anterior tibial tendon into tarsal bone
  202017002 arthropathy of lesser metatarsophalangeal joint
  449777000 infantile osteopetrosis
  206489003 neonatal hypernatraemia
  429332008 of single lobe of lung
  237392007 of areola
  88398009 lysis of adhesions of bladder
  210626000 amputation, finger, proximal phalanx
  271128009 blister of vulva
  271144000 blister of vulva, infected
  405587009 perforation of bladder
  735824000 rupture of collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger
  296429001 overdose
  169833009 - one live and two stillborn
  253581002 valve stenosis
  237445009 of breast
  12985005 of seminal vesicle
  10656311000119102 of toe of left foot
  866198007 of joint of bilateral lower limbs
  866196006 of joint of bilateral upper limbs
  16121000087108 guided biopsy of right inguinal region
  716554004 guided removal of tunnelled peritoneal drain from peritoneal cavity
  14651000087100 of bilateral groins and bilateral scrotum
  711306005 of body cavity
  770579006 of soft tissue of thoracic region of back
  426903000 scan of both hips
  426100003 scan of left hip
  289337008 cord clamp left on
  301558002 to move around supporting self on furniture
  284992009 to take off footwear
  284986003 to undress
  305503006 care of paediatric neurologist
  302153001 at work
  278814007 limb vascular access incision
  287764003 stricture excision
  167277001 protein test = +++
  32589003 of crutch education
  18463003 of ergometer bicycle
  60930003 of pulley apparatus
  289626002 fundus at symphysis pubis
  72645004 bicornis bicollis
  337081000119109 glaucoma of left eye
  331471000119105 glaucoma of right eye
  404915007 assisted skin closure
  36679009 cone irradiation
  289259007 delivery
  237313003 delivery following previous caesarean section
  168358004 swab culture positive
  10645631000119105 ulcer of right heel
  1237134008 vein of lower leg co-occurrent with varicose ulcer and eczema
  1237135009 vein of lower limb co-occurrent with varicose ulcer and eczema
  1237569004 vein of right heel
  69352009 veins of lower limb with ulcer AND inflammation
  460589002 ring with right aortic arch and left arterial ligament between left subclavian artery and left common carotid artery
  293843005 allergy
  395552006 (large vessel)/lymphatic (small vessel) invasion by tumour absent
  311661004 cueing for speech
  446281003 of surgical device count
  234005004 artery rupture
  13491000119101 reflux due to duplicated collecting system
  240338009 food poisoning
  713822005 up during night
  396922003 grade I (central nervous system tumour)
  1293011000168105 blood JAK2 exon 12 mutation detection test
  60537006 respiration
  224411001 away most of week
  267059001 in faeces
  83029003 clonus

Explanation of the columns that may appear on this page:

Level A few code lists that FHIR defines are hierarchical - each code is assigned a level. In this scheme, some codes are under other codes, and imply that the code they are under also applies
System The source of the definition of the code (when the value set draws in codes defined elsewhere)
Code The code (used as the code in the resource instance)
Display The display (used in the display element of a Coding). If there is no display, implementers should not simply display the code, but map the concept into their application
Definition An explanation of the meaning of the concept
Comments Additional notes about how to use the code