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StructureMap $extract

This $extract proof-of-concept reference implementation is an abstraction on top of an existing StructureMap $transform operation. We leveraged Brian Postlethwaite's .NET FHIR Mapping Language engine to expose a StructureMap $transform operation on$transform.


This reference implementation is a proof-of-concept. It is highly likely that the underlying implementation will change in the future.

Deployed service:$extract

Underlying $transform service:$transform

FHIR Mapping Language to StructureMap $convert service:$convert

FHIR $extract operation definition:

FHIR $transform operation definition:

FHIR Mapping Language $convert workflow:

FHIR StructureMap-based extraction:




Resource(s) can be extracted from a QuestionnaireResponse using a POST request to a URL such as:$extract (type-level)


questionnaire-response1..1ResourceThe QuestionnaireResponse to extract data from. Used when the operation is invoked at the 'type' level.

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How it works

The $extract operation is an abstraction on top of an existing StructureMap $transform operation.

The underlying $transform

A $transform operation requires two input parameters:

  1. source - Contains the structure map defining the mapping rules
  2. content - Contains the data to be transformed (in terms of SDC, this is the QuestionnaireResponse)

The output of $transform is the transformed data, a FHIR resource.

Taking this logic, we can use a StructureMap $transform operation to perform the extraction of resources from a QuestionnaireResponse. Let's say we want to extract a bundle containing an Observation resource from a QuestionnaireResponse. We need a StructureMap that maps the data from the QuestionnaireResponse to the Observation resource. Normally we would write this mapping in FHIR Mapping Language and convert it to a StructureMap.

For more information on using the FHIR Mapping Language, refer to Brian has a really awesome tool that can help you write and test your mappings at

Once we have both the source StructureMap and the content QuestionnaireResponse, our $transform request body should look roughly like this:

"resourceType": "Parameters",
"parameter": [
"name": "source",
"resource": //<insert StructureMap here> -
"name": "content",
"resource": //<insert QuestionnaireResponse here> - a filled QR from

Relevant resources:



Running the $transform operation will return the transformed data, which in this case is a Bundle resource containing the Observation resource:

"resourceType": "Bundle",
"id": "<uuid>",
"type": "transaction",
"entry": [
"request": {
"method": "POST",
"url": "Observation"
"resource": {
"resourceType": "Observation",
"status": "final",
"code": {
"coding": [
"system": "",
"code": "60621009",
"display": "Body mass index"
"subject": {
"reference": "Patient/pat-sf"
"valueQuantity": {
"value": 29.55,
"unit": "kg/m2",
"system": "",
"code": "kg/m2"

The $extract operation

Using the logic above, we can abstract the $transform operation into a $extract operation. The $extract operation requires only one input parameter (or you can just provide the QuestionnaireResponse in the request body):

questionnaire-response - Contains the QuestionnaireResponse to extract data from

The provided QuestionnaireResponse should fulfill two criteria:

  1. It needs to contain a canonical reference in its questionnaire property.
"questionnaire": "|0.1.0",
  1. The referenced Questionnaire should have a questionnaire-targetStructureMap extension. This extension needs to contain a canonical reference to a StructureMap that maps the data from the QuestionnaireResponse to the desired resource(s).
"extension": [
"url": "",
"valueCanonical": ""

The $extract POC implementation defines a definitional repository to resolve Questionnaires and StructureMaps - See for more information.

The $extract operation will resolve the referenced Questionnaire + StructureMap, and set the StructureMap as the source in the $transform operation. The content will be the provided QuestionnaireResponse.

The underlying $transform operation will be executed, and the transformed data will be returned as the output of the $extract operation.

The $convert operation

Brian's .NET FHIR Mapping Language engine has a handy debug mode that can be activated by adding debug=true to the $transform query parameters. The debug payload contains useful details such as warnings/errors, trace output, the converted StructureMap, and the output resource.

Conveniently, it also accepts both a FHIR Mapping Language map and a StructureMap resource as the source input. This means we can use it as a $convert operation to convert a FHIR Mapping Language map to a StructureMap resource.$convert

It expects the request headers for the Content-Type to be text/plain. The request body should contain the FHIR Mapping Language map, and the response will contain the converted StructureMap resource.