Advanced Rendering/Behavior
SDC provides a wide range of extensions to enhance how a Questionnaire items are rendered or control the behavior of the items:
This section breaks down the supported extensions in Smart Forms into different subsections.
Fundamental Elements
- required
- repeats
- readOnly
- hidden
- initial
Group Rendering
- gtable
- grid
- tab-container
Display/Text Rendering
- prompt
- unit
- lower
- upper
- flyover
- rendering-xhtml
- displayCategory
- openLabel
- shortText
Question Rendering
- autocomplete
- drop-down
- check-box
- radio-button
- slider
- choiceOrientation
- sliderStepValue
- entryFormat
- questionnaire-unit
Value Constraints
- required
- maxLength
- minLength
- regex
- minValue
- maxValue
- maxDecimalPlaces